Project Euler Problem 53

Rather than cherry-pick another PE problem, I'm gonna move right along to the next one in the sequence.

Combinatoric selections

How many, not necessarily distinct, values of n choose r, for 1 <= n <= 100, are greater than one million?

Naturally, the first thing to do is to define our choose function. We can pull the definition straight from the formula given in the problem definition:

choose :: Int -> Int -> Int
choose n r = fact n `div` (fact r * fact (n-r))
    where fact i = product [1..i]

But this turns out to be a really inefficient way of computing binomial coefficients (the fancy name for the output of this function). Its inefficient, since we'll have to calculate three different factorials, and it'll also give us nonsense answers when the factorials get big enough to cause integer overflow. Of course, we can avoid overflow by using Integer rather than Int, but we'd be better off avoiding this definition altogether.

choose :: Int -> Int -> Int
choose _ 0 = 1
choose 0 _ = 0
choose n k = choose (n-1) (k-1) * n `div` k

This is much better. It uses a recurrence relation for binomial coefficients that doesn't involve computation of factorials, which I found in the wikipedia article for combinations.

We still have the problem of overflow, which is unavoidable due to the size of the values we'll be computing. For instance, 100 choose 50 is over 10^29 -- much higher than the maximum Int value. Thankfully, all we need to do is change our type signature:

choose :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer

The fact that we can change our type signature this easily means that our choose definition is not as type-specific as we're forcing it to be. In fact, we can make it more abstract:

choose :: Integral a => a -> a -> a

This is possible because our definition uses three functions internally: (-), (*), and div. The first two are defined in the Num typeclass, while the third is defined in the Integral typeclass -- which is itself defined in terms of Num. Thus Integral is the least specific constraint we have to put on this function; any Integral can work as input.

Now, telling GHC to use a specific Integral instance is as simply as providing a type annotation. Doing so in GHCI shows us the difference between the overflowing Int and the infinite-precision Integer:

> 100 `choose` 48 :: Integer
> 100 `choose` 48 :: Int

We need to make a list of all the values of n choose k for each n between 1 and 100 inclusive, and for each k between 1 and n inclusive. We can define a function that will give us all values for k in terms of some input n:

choices :: Integral a => a -> [a]
choices n = map (choose n) [1..n]

...and then map that function over all the values of n. This will give us a list of lists, but for our purposes it would be best to have a flat list. Thus, we can use concatMap.

values :: Integral a => [a]
values = concatMap choices [1..100]

We're not defining a function here, just a bare list of Integrals. We can filter the list by the predicate given in the problem, and find the length of the filtered list.

solution :: Int
solution = length $ filter (>1000000) values

This is all well and good, but GHC will give us a warning if we compile this definition. It warns that it's defaulting to Integer as the instance for the values in values. That's fine for our purposes, since we wanted the precision of Integers, but I hate having to deal with the warning (especially since it shows up in ghc-mod, my linter.)

To avoid it, we can inline a type annotation for our use of values.

solution = length $ filter (>1000000) (values :: [Integer])

However, its a little cleaner, and a lot more sensible, to put this annotation in the type signature for values itself. It doesn't make that much sense to have values be polymorphic, especially since we know that most instances of Integral are going to give us overflowing, nonsense results.

Lastly, we can note that concatMap is the definition for >>= in the list monad. So if we want to look a bit fancier, we can rewrite values as

values = [1..100] >>= choices

Using >>= makes it a little less obvious what's going on, though experienced Haskellers will be able to tell that we're feeding all of the members of the list through choices, one after the other, and flattening the result. However, I prefer the more explicit version, where we use concatMap directly.