Pythonic strstr()

Wow, my strategy of writing a blog post every day failed miserably. I suppose I didn't want to keep writing posts about PE problems, but also couldn't think of anything more substantial to blog about, and with that indecision I simply abandoned the task. But no more!

Over the past two months, I've been searching for a job here in SF. My parents' house has afforded me a much longer period of time to search, and the opportunity to be a bit picky. I've also gotten a lot of exposure to the interview process, which is great, since within the ivory tower of academia I learned absolutely nothing about how interviews actually work in this industry.

One of the questions I got on a phone screen was the standard strstr() question:

Write a function strstr() that accepts two strings: a "source" and a "pattern". Return the index of the first occurrence of "pattern" within "source", or -1 if it never occurs.

...and some examples of use:

strstr("banana", "na") => 2

strstr("evening", "grr") => -1

The name strstr refers to a standard C library function (from string.h). It's also likely available in any other language's standard library (str.find in Python, String.indexOf in Java, etc.). It's also a well-researched area, with plenty of existing solutions that will outperform any solution I could come up with while talking with a stranger over the phone.

So when I'm asked a question like this, its more than likely that the interviewer just wants to see how I solve a problem. Sure, I could regurgitate Knuth-Morris-Pratt or Boyer-Moore, but that would just show that I memorized an algorithm. (Then again, that would probably be pretty impressive. Maybe I'll try that on a phone screen.) I tend to reach for the naive solution.

I was coding in python for this interview, and wrote up something like the following:

def strstr(source, pattern):
    for i in range(len(source) - len(pattern) + 1)
        foundMatch = True
        for j in range(len(pattern)):
            if source[i+j-1] != pattern[j]:
                noMatch = False
        if foundMatch:
            return i
    return -1

Hideous. The whole time I worked through that solution, I was well-aware of how ugly any un-Pythonic it was. I blame interview nerves.

How can we make this better? One way is to stop comparing the substrings character by character and instead compare the strings directly. We can extract the substring from source by using Python's list slicing.

def strstr(source, pattern):
    for i in range(len(source) - len(pattern) + 1)
        slice = source[i:i+len(pattern)]
        if slice == pattern:
            return i
    return -1

Much better already. However, I still have a problem with the way that the slices are created. At each iteration of the loop, we create a new slice and see if it matches -- that's fine, but its a little difficult to tell at first glance. As Rich Hickey would say, we're "complecting" two things:

I prefer this:

def strstr(source, pattern):

    starting_points = len(source) - len(pattern) + 1
    slices = [source[i:i+len(pattern)] for i in range(starting_points)]

    for i, slice in enumerate(slices):
        if slice == pattern:
            return i
    return -1

The slices are now in their own little list comprehension, and we worry about checking them in the loop below. We've moved a little from an imperative solution to a declarative one (though we still worry about "how" within the list comprehension).

There's one subtle point that makes this new solution operate differently: the list comprehension will compute all the slices and store them in memory before we loop through them. If our source string is really long, this could be really expensive in terms of memory usage.

But we can fix this! All we have to do is replace the parentheses with brackets:

slices = (source[i:i+len(pattern)] for i in range(starting_points))

With this, we've ditched our list comprehension in favor of a generator comprehension. Now, slices will be "lazy" and only compute a slice when we ask for one inside the loop. If the slice doesn't match, it'll get garbage collected once we move to the next iteration. This all makes our memory footprint a lot lighter.

There. I've vindicated myself after writing such a horrible solution to the problem during the phone screen. Not only that, I think this is a great example of how to make our code "Pythonic" by focusing on declarative constructs. It's still a naive, O(n^2) solution, but it's probably the best and cleanest one you could give for this question within the span of a phone screen.